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Le futur antérieur

Observe the following sentences : 1. Quand j'aurai mangé, j'irai au supermarché. 2. Je t'appellerai dès que je serai rentré à la maison. 3. Nous pourrons aller au restaurant lorsque Marc aura fini ses devoirs. How many actions take place in each sentence ? 2 actions. When do the actions take place : past, present, future ? Both of the actions take place in the future. Do actions take place at the same type ? No, one action takes place before the other action. Examples : In the sentence 1, the 1st action is "manger". In the sentence 2, the 1st action is "rentrer à la maison" In the sentence 3, the 1st action is 'Marc doit finir ses devoirs". What is the conclusion ? When 2 actions take place in the future at a different time, we use a composed tense to talk of the first action. This tense is called futur antérieur. How to form "futur antérieur" ? Like "passé composé", le futur antérieur is formed with an "auxiliaire" + "un participe passé". The difference is that the "auxiliaire" is in future. Observation : You will often find le futur antérieur with "comme" "quand", "dès que", "lorsque".

Easy exercise :

Est-ce que vous comprenez mieux le futur antérieur ?

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