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Express feelings in French: how to express my motivation or my enthusiasm in French ?

In this post, I would like to share with you some expressions to express your motivation in French with friends or in professional environment.


Situation 1 : your French friend ask you to go hiking in the forest. Here are some expressions you can say to him to express your motivation.

I've used (+) to show the degree of motivation expressed by each expression.

C'est une bonne idée! +

C'est une super idée ! ++

Ça me dit bien ! +

Ça me tente bien! +

Je suis partant(e) ! ++

Je suis (super) motivé(e)! ++/+++

Je suis chaud(e) pour cette randonnée! +++

Situation 2 : in a more formal situation, you have a job interview for a job in France. You want to express your motivation for the job. Here are some expressions you can say.

Je suis (très) intéressée par ce poste.

Ce poste m'intéresse beaucoup.

Je serai très heureux / heureuse d'occuper ce poste.

Je suis très motivée par ce poste.

Ce poste est (très) motivant pour moi.

Have you already used these expressions? Maybe you've heard others expression ? Don't hesitate to share with me.

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