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-ER verbs in French (1st group)

Séparer / arrêter / mélanger / ajouter / verser / utiliser / décorer : what is the common point between those verbs? They belong to the 1st group.

In French, each verb has an "infinitive" form (=a non-conjugated form). There are 3 groups of verbs. Those with an ER infinitive form belong to the 1st group.

To conjugate the 1ts group verbs in French:

  • I delete ER from the verb;

  • I add the 1st group ending for present tense.

Example :

Infinitif : verser

Présent :

Je verse

Tu verses

Il / elle / on verse

Nous versons

Vous versez

Ils / elles versent.

Exception: Aller is an irregular verb.

Je vais

Tu vas

Il / elle / on va

Vous allez

Nous allons

Ils vont.

Easy, isn't?

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